Chinese is expected to become the world's largest robotics Market - News - 天津市北洋天泽智能机器人科技有限公司
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Chinese is expected to become the world's largest robotics Market
tiem:2014-01-20 15:06:17

      This year's Shanghai
Expo, industrial robot is absolute "leading role", nearly 60 domestic and foreign robot manufacturer exhibitors, the exhibition area of 8000 square meters, become this year's Expo a hot cold in general. From the entertainment show laser sword duel, lion dance, playing table tennis, to truly assembly mouse, carrying the battery. The machine people resorted to use all one's skill.
So spare no effort performance, inspired China huge demand for industrial robot. In 2011, Chinese industrial robot sales of about 22600 units, compared with 2010 growth of 51%, growth rate in the world, become the Japan, South Korea after the world's third largest market for industrial robots. In November 7th at the "2012 industrial robots Summit Forum", Wang Weiming of vice director of industry and Information Technology Ministry of equipment of industrial division said, the next few years, China will maintain a growth rate of 30%, will become the world's largest demand market. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) prediction is, 2014 is expected to become the world's largest Chinese Android market. Coupled with last year in August, the world's largest manufacturing enterprises, Foxconn announced a high-profile "1000000 robots" plan, natural attracted global robot makers come in great numbers.
In this part of enterprises, Chinese manufacturers accounted for half of the,
Shenyang SIASUN,
Guangzhou cnc,
Anhui aifute,
Nanjing eston,
Jiangyin naerjie robot
        And so on Chinese robot industry history's most "appearance spectacular". Considering the use of industrial robots China half are dependent on imports, this collective debut, it express volumes: this inviting cake, "Chinese self-made" robot can share? China robot industry can use this tide also rise, rapid growth?

Copyright: Tianjin Beiyang Tianze Intelligent Robot Technology Co., Ltd.
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